Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Week of Feb. 19th

Objectives for the week:
Tuesday - you will complete the webquest that is in conjunction with
the career unit, remember to post your responses into your blog.
There are two questions 1. What was your highest scored area & which
career are you going to research & 2. List 10 things about your
career that are of interest.

Wednesday - you will need to research the needed education for your
career. Where you could go (here in Oklahoma)? How long it would
take to get the education? The cost of the education needed? Post
all this into your blog (using headers). * Identify which educational
institution you would like to visit.

Thursday - you will need to research job possibilities within Garvin
county that utilize your career choice. Identify 3 employers and what
they produce (or do) and how your career would benefit their companies
goals. Post all this into your blog (using headers). * Identify
which employer you would like to job shadow for half a day.

Friday - print all your blogs and double check everything with the
rubric you will receive on Friday for career unit expectations. A
three page paper (yes like in English class) addressing the career
unit objectives will be due on Tuesday, February 26th. You will
receive a rubric for the career paper outlining the required
materials. You will have Monday & Tuesday to type your paper. It
will be due at the end of the day on Tuesday.


Stephy Dawn said...

I want to go into Equine or Livestock Vet. Studies, it's what I've wanted to do since I was little. And I got the job at the Grassland Eqine Vet Clinic in Lindsay, all I have to do is make a phone call. So I'm pretty excited about that. And thnk you foe talking to my mom about my college means alot. :)

Stephy Dawn said...

yeah i realized that life IS too short to not go after what you want in life. I made the phone call yesterday and I'm supposed to call back today.

Stephy Dawn said...

Yeah I was pretty upset with myself that I hadnt called him and let him know what was going on so I'll probably call him at lunch. But yeah I called and set it up Friday evening and then ended up getting sick and not going...but i feel like Im just making excuses and like it doesn't matter. So yeah Im DEFINATELY going next Saturday ALL morning! Even though he sounded annoyed with me and set the whole thing up.Hopefully he'll understand and let me come in next weekend from 8 until 12.